Thinking about an “All-on-4”?

Here at Chapman Dental Solutions, we offer our very own All-on-4 procedure - the Same Day Smile - a complete smile makeover, with the implants and fixed bridges both being fitted in just one day.

Why choose Chapman Dental Solutions?

With a blend of surgical knowledge, technical expertise and a vast amount of experience in this field, we have a strong reputation for delivering the very best in implant dentistry, from the placement to the prosthetics. Implant Surgeon, Dr Nigel Suggett, and Clinical Dental Technician, Ross Chapman work closely to provide our patients with high-end implant solutions, collaborating on each case, from initial consultation, to planning and placement, and using digital innovations for a seamless patient journey.

Reasons why you may consider this treatment.

• You have lost confidence in your smile.

• You find full dentures difficult to keep in place or feel uncomfortable.

• You have partial dentures that are supported by decaying teeth.

• You have mobile dentition or tooth loss.

• You do not want to wear dentures due to the stigma that is related.

• You find that wearing dentures causes you anxiety as you feel that movement may be noticeable.

• You have had a lifetime of dental issues.

• You have a phobia of the dentist and want to overcome this.

• You have not visited the dentist in many years and are worried about the prognosis of your remaining teeth.

• You do not like your smile and feel that nothing more can be done.

Advantages of our Same Day Smile

Immediate Results

Unlike traditional dental implant procedures that may require months for healing and multiple appointments, our Same Day Smile can provide immediate results, allowing you to enjoy a restored smile in a shorter timeframe.


The streamlined nature of the Same Day Smile procedure can make it more cost-effective than traditional implant methods, as it may require fewer implants and less extensive treatment.

Enhanced Stability

The strategic placement of the four implants ensures enhanced stability and support for the prosthetic teeth, allowing for improved biting force and overall functionality.

Aesthetically Pleasing

Our bridges are designed to replicate the appearance of natural teeth, providing a beautiful and seamless smile that boosts confidence and self-esteem.

Reduced Treatment Time

Thanks to the simplified procedure and minimal downtime, this type of procedure can offer a faster route to achieving a fully restored set of teeth compared to traditional implant methods.

Where are we?

We are based in Newcastle upon Tyne, just 1 mile from the Metrocentre, with good parking facilities and excellent accessibility.

Our Same Day Smile represents a remarkable advancement in dental technology, providing a life-changing solution for those seeking a durable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing smile. If you're considering this transformative procedure, you can arrange a free consultation with one of our dedicated implant team to discuss how we can not only bring back your smile, but also improve your overall quality of life.

Where are you located?

We are based in Newcastle upon Tyne, just 1 mile from the Metrocentre, with good parking facilities and excellent accessibility.


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